Do you require an apostille on your U.S. Residency Certificate IRS Form 8802 / 6166?
Form 8802 Application for United States Residency Certification is used to request a certificate of residency. Form 6166 is required for residents of the United States who wish to claim income tax treaty benefits and certain other tax benefits in Hague Convention Countries.
U.S. treaty partners request the IRS certification that the company or a person claiming treaty tax benefits is a resident of the United States for federal tax purposes. The IRS implements the residency certification on Form 6166, typically referred to as U.S. Residency Certification.
Form 6166 is printed on the U.S. Department of Treasures stationery paper and certifies that a company or a person listed on it is a legal resident of the United States. This form is required to legally claim income tax treaty benefits and other tax benefits while doing business in foreign countries.
If you plan to teach in a country that is a Tax Treaty Partner of the United States, you could avoid being taxed twice. We advise that you contact the IRS to verify if the country has a Tax Treaty with the United States.
Many companies establish representation in a foreign country for ease of conducting business in that country. If the country is a Tax Treaty partner with the United States, the individual or company needs to show proof of US residency to qualify for the reduced tax rate.
Tax treaties help residents of foreign countries pay reduced tax rates. This prevents double taxation or ensures a reduction in taxes owed.
To obtain an Apostille on Form 6166, you first need to complete form 8802 needed to obtain this document. Generally, it takes a few weeks to receive this form from the IRS. Once you receive the form printed on the Department of Treasury stationery, you need to mail it to our office for processing via the U.S. Department of State. Our processing time is four business days, and we can ship the documents to you with the UPS/FedEx second day return service if shipped within the United States.
Obtaining an apostille can be intricate. Avoid leaving this task for inexperienced staff or non-professionals who are not fully aware of the complexities of the apostille process and the unique requirements of certain countries. Your application may be rejected, and you lose time and money. Make a better choice!
Our experts are available Monday through Friday from 10.00 AM to 6.00 PM. Please call us at 1-770-447-0360 and we will answer all your questions and offer easy to follow detailed instructions.